Tagged: humor

  • Do We Have Any Volunteers in the Audience?

    Picture stolen from Kimberly Connel      I peeled my eyes opened. Eight a.m. on a Saturday. Forget the fact that my weeks have six Saturdays and one Sunday, my brain had been trained and  Saturday is sleep-in, lazy sacrosanct. However every Saturday we members of North Country Habitat for Humanity banded together to work on …[ read more ]

  • Tyranny of the Quick Fix

    Image by jimmywayne via Flickr      Malone, NY, I do love thee…but have you learned the tyranny of the quick fix? We look for easy ways out of problems and so we bring in prisons. Oh the economy will revive.     Nope. Just brought in prison families and lots of convicts who clog the judicial system.     We …[ read more ]

  • P is for Pompeii

                               Image via Wikipedia      Pompeii existed over two thousand years ago as a prosperous town. People loved and fought, bought and bartered, reared their families and planned for the future. Until Mount Vesuvius had other things to say. Within twenty-four hours the angry volcano annihilated their world.     Ash preserved the torment of the humans who had lived …[ read more ]

  • My Pear Butter is Equal to My Singing

         Blessed with more pears than anyone has the right to own, I decided to make pear butter. Never having done something before has never been a deterrent to me. So I began: I ran off a recipe. Of course when googling information, the first item the search turns up is the most reliable, right? This …[ read more ]

  • God’s Abundance: e.g. Mud baths

    Callie’s Corner             We often miss God’s abundance, even if it’s as clear as mud between our toes. Take Carol, for example. The other day I was taking her for a walk when she stepped into a mud puddle. I could understand her revulsion had she been wearing shoes, but she wore her Tevas. She …[ read more ]