How I Conquered Fear
I conquered fear.
Well–one fear–but the technique works.
Tale of Two (four?) Dogs
I jogged along our road. About a half mile from our home, a doodle with his companion pit bull darted into the road, barking, snarling and leaping up on me. Ironically, the pit bull stayed back, but the doodle wanted to take me down. He tore my jacket and ripped a massive hole in my shirt (my Tennessee Vol shirt–unforgivable).
The owner was no help. She barely restrained her dogs, then asked me: “Who dropped you off in front of my house?”
No, I’m sorry. No, I’ll restrain my dogs. No embarrassment.
Shaken, I walked up the road and sat on the corner. My husband was due home soon. Maybe he’d arrive and take me home.
I had two choices: 1. continue my run. 2. go home.
#2 entailed passing the unrestrained dogs–so I ran.
Dog number 2
A half mile up the road, a friendly dog I call House because of his limp, suddenly showed his never seen aggressive side. He bit my leg.
For nearly a year, terror kept me from walking by either home. One day, I decided I would not be a prisoner of my terror.
Here’s how I conquered my fear of dogs.
I knew House was gentle. The animal control officer had put him through every test for aggression he could think of. House never responded.
I, with wisdom, needed to be set free.
“Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. The fearful are caught as often as the bold.”
–Helen Keller
I walked up the road and turned toward House’s house. As usual, he and his companion–who’d been with him that fateful day–were out greeting whoever happened along their turf.
I inhaled. I shoved my hands in my pocket so they’d have no easy access, and talked to them as I always had–as though they were my best buddies.
They left me alone. I dropped my arms to my side. After a year, I was free to walk.
Face your fears
- If you don’t, you’ll stay imprisoned.
- Use wisdom. Afraid of flying? Take a flight. We know the statistics and planes are safer than cars. Don’t go skydiving. Don’t extreme ski. Be smart. When the doodle-clan is out, I return home and get my car. They are not safe and the owner doesn’t care. Be wise.
- Remember, God is with you. Don’t we all–Christian or not–know the 23rd Psalm?
“Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.”
Assess your fears. If there is no basis for terror, face them.
Two sisters must take a chance–leave their comfort zones and face the unknown.
The results?
Read and find out.
When I was a small child, a playful, large puppy (!) knocked me down. I don’t fear dogs, but I watch the many dogs I see carefully. Fortunately, we do have leash laws, which helps when the dog is as big as a Shetland pony! Good marketing for Tangled Lives.
Peggy, I think you’re my biggest fan. Thank you.