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Honeymoon’s Over
Honeymoon’s Over
Available: September 27, 2024
Honeymoon’s Over For Better or Worse
Easy vows for newlyweds Chantel and Charlie. Having been widowed, they knew the worst of love was years away. Furthermore, at fi ft y, they wouldn’t live long enough for the bad to blossom.
Then they came home from their honeymoon.
Chantel’s pregnant daughter, Sissy, living with them during her husband’s deployment, must remain on bed rest. Histrionic and bored, she’s a … challenge.
Chantel’s vegetarian son, Graham, moves in for a few weeks to help with his sister, but something doesn’t seem right. He never got along with his military-loving, meat-eating sibling. He didn’t have ulterior motives for coming to help, did he?
Charlie’s married daughter, Margo, could certainly enumerate the issues these adult children her father’s new wife had. On top of everything, how could her father have chosen that woman?
Then there’s Charlie’s father—lost in old-age absentmindedness. Certainly, he was only forgetful.
Thank heavens for jobs they love that get them out of the house.
Except …Should they have vowed for worse or better?
"This book delivers in true Carol McClain fashion .... poignant message wrapped in entertainment, truth, knowledge, and sprinkled with humor. Readers will either identify with the heroine or know someone who has struggled with alcohol abuse. We understand Torie's pain. We also understand how quick others are to judge those who suffer from addiction ... they can only see the pain the addicted one causes, rather than the pain that keeps them addicted. Great writing by a great writer."
Author of Hosea's HeartLinda Rondeau
"What a moving story of grief, guilt, and finding forgiveness." Author of Camp HopeSara Foust
"This is Carol's best so far. Her ability to make characters come to life and her subtle insertion of humor make this a delightful read and one you won't want to put down till the end." An artist and reader.Kaye Mero
"Love how the characters were shaped and developed. Caught my interest from beginning to end. I didn't want it to end. I would and did recommend this book for everyone." readerAmy Smith
"The best contemporary novel I read this year."authorLena Nelson Dooley
I love a character-driven plot. The city girl vs the country girl. The sinner vs the saint. The author did a great job showing how at the core of things, we aren't so different. We all need grace and truth. And above all these, of A Heart SurrenderedJoy Massenburge
This story made me laugh out loud, made me cry, made me think about my own actions and reactions to others. The characters are a beautiful mix of humor, problems, and insight. It was wonderful to see the interactions unfold as all sides learned about each other and what makes "the other side" tick. Coming to the end of the book was a mix of emotions. While I was excited to see things come together, I didn't want the story to end. Here's hoping there's a sequel!a readerSarah Vozzo
"A New York Yankee in Stinking Creek" is a divergent contrast between two women, two distinctive ways of life, and two completely opposing worldviews. The story kept me close to the written page as I grew to love both women. Their dissimilar lifestyles opened my way of thinking and my heart as the author drew me into their lives, allowing me to see the common ground between them. AuthorJune Foster
I loved this book. Now my Carol McClain fav. The book runs the gamut of emotion. Carol has a gift for cryptic humor. I love the conflict between the two women and how they are drawn into a friendship that neither of them would have imagined. The book reminds us that when all is said and done, a Christian is merely a sinner saved by grace. We are not exempt from the same struggles common to the human experience. This is a great read ... funny yet of Hosea's HeartLinda Rondeau
Carol McClain is a treasure. Her work is a light in a dark world. As a male, I don’t exactly fit the target demographic for this book, but I’m going to make the argument that everyone should be this book’s target audience. The world needs Carol McClain. You need Carol McClain. You will care about the people in this book. I say “people” rather than “characters” because they are all deeply human. It seems almost wrong to refer to them as anything less. There is so much heart and so much tender humanity in this story. You will find yourself cheering for Meredith, Bean, Roxie, and Crystal as they experience joy. You will find yourself hoping for them as they yearn for the love they all so desperately want and need. You will find yourself crying for them when they struggle and seem to be without hope. Love, joy, triumph, despair, and everything else that paints the tapestry of human life are here in rich detail. It is a story of hope, forgiveness, searching, losing, gaining, finding, and all the while, leaning (sometimes unknowingly) on the bosom of God. What a wonderful book this is. I read a lot. It is rare that a book touches me in the way Borrowed Lives did. Read it. It will touch you as of Bit Dance and MoteTilmer Wright
5.0 out of 5 stars Well-written and heartfelt
Reviewed in the United States on March 16, 2021
The book Borrowed Lives from author Carol McClain reads as though written by someone who actually lived the lives of those whose stories unfold in the pages. The book begins with a main character who has suffered tragedy, but the actual tragedy is not immediately revealed.
Then the true journey begins. Finding a way to replace tragedy with triumph. Borrowed Lives takes the reader on a voyage of loss, hope, love, and faith from beginning to end.
So well-written and heart-felt I came to know and understand what the characters would probably do, sometimes before the author revealed their actions. It was easy to become involved in the character’s lives. To feel their hopes, losses, and joys.
This is a great book to curl up under a quilt and read in a single sitting on a sunny afternoon.
My advice, don’t miss this book. It weaves an interesting story, as do all of McClain’s books, with a charming ending that satisfies the soul.
Highly recommend.
A copy of this book was provided for my honest review.
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Product Details
Borrowed Lives
byCarol McClainMulti-Published authorCyn Taylor
Oh my goodness! The humor and emotion in this book is off the charts! I would highly recommend this book to anyone who loves diverse characters and experiencing the full range of human emotion!authorAmy Dohman
Carol McClain pens a devastatingly beautiful and heart-wrenching story in Prodigal Lives, her sequel to the stirring novel Borrowed Lives. She picks up from first book that left us cheering for its characters, and takes us further into a multi-layered drama of child welfare, drug abuse, and love of family that is at times haunting and shocking, yet filled with warmth and hope. This is a story that will stay with me. If you haven’t read any of Carol’s fiction yet, you’ll discover a treasure.
AuthorNaomi Musch
n Prodigal Lives, Carol McClain takes us back to Hen Waddle Hollow in Jacksboro, Tennessee, and the Janes family. This second volume of Ms. McClain’s “Treasured Lives” series, brings us up to date on Meredith Janes and her foster children. Pearl is now happily situated with her biological grandfather who divides their time between Florida and Missouri, and Roxie is with her maternal biological aunt in Kentucky, soon to be Korea, but Meredith still has ever funny, ever lovable Crystal. And let’s not forget the goats! Life happens and, too often, happiness is sporadic to the point of disappearing as Pearl learns through addiction, Roxie learns through feelings of desertion, and Meredith learns through infertility issues. Again, as in the inspiring Borrowed Lives, I cried and laughed my way through real-life crises and joyful occasions, leading to an unforgettable ending. I highly recommend both Borrowed Lives and Prodigal Lives, so read both during the interlude while we wait for Ms. McClain to give us her next insight into the Jaynes family lives.EditorPeggy Lovelace Ellis
I loved that we get to see part of this book through the eyes of a young person. That rarely happens in novels written for adults. McClain pulls it off so well.
The author is also such an expert on human relationships, both between adults, children, and adults to children. She does a fantastic job with dialogue and narrative, keeping the reader’s interest throughout the book.
The reader’s journey will take them on a roller coaster of discovery among the characters. It is easy to see how much time, research, and knowledge went into writing this book.
Loved every minute. Highly recommend.AuthorCyn Taylor
In Prodigal Lives, Carol McClain continues the heartfelt story of Meredith Jaynes, as she moves forward with her complex and challenging life. The characters you grew to know and love in the first book of this series continue to mature and develop, which rivets the reader to the pages. McClain is a master with character development, crafting people you find yourself actually caring about as you turn the page/scroll the Kindle file to find out what happens next. Realism abounds. Life isn't always easy. As a matter of fact, most times it's hard. McClain's main protagonist, as well as others in her life, learn that lesson through repeated experiences that make them dig deep, sometimes after taking a hard fall, to overcome their challenges and move forward, all the while clinging to the love and hope found in family. This is a terrific story. If you have not read Borrowed Lives, grab a copy of that excellent book along with this one. You can thank me later.AuthorTilmer Wright
I don’t know if this will be the last book in the “Treasured Lives” series, but it is certainly one of the best. I appreciate how love is woven into every page of the book. McClain does a fantastic job of bringing her characters to life and I loved every one of them.
Highly recommend this book and the series.authorCyn Taylor
In Tangled Lives, Carol McClain paints an exquisitely satisfying portrait of how the Snow girls have grown into young women. Some of the pain from their difficult childhood remains, but mama Meredith has built a foundation of love, faith, and family that guides and sustains them as they face the challenges of adulthood. McClain does an incredible job projecting each girl’s personality, so beautifully crafted in the earlier installments of this series, onto the adult versions of each of them in Tangled Lives. Fans of the series will not want to miss this engaging and compelling story. Those new to McClain’s work are given an additional reason to pick up McClain’s Prodigal Lives and read this wonderful series from the start.
authorTilmer Wright
I found Honeymoon's Over to be a fun and entertaining book from author, Carol McClain. It tells the story of a newlywed couple navigating through life with challenges of a second marriage and step children. I can easily see so many readers connecting with this story. I love the author's use of humor all throughout that made me smile and giggle at times. I thought it was a great story and happy I was able to take this journey with Chantel and Charlie.
Locks, Hooks and Books.Amy
The book is so drenched in humor that you can get through parts that I think would otherwise just be too heavy. But how heavy can a book be, when Chantel (Charlie and Chantel take turns narrating in first person) describes her histrionic daughter like this: “Her good humor—which mostly categorized my child when not traumatized—which happened every five minutes or so…”🤣
Chantel also is surprised to discover her very patient new husband has a temper melting point… “Now he raged like a crocodile on meth.” And so I laughed my way to the end, where “Sometimes things don’t work out, but God’s grace always does. Let’s pray.”Babbling Becky's Book ImpressionsBabbling Becky
Another gem from Carol McClain! The day to day can get in the way, especially when the day to day is a houseful of family, but true love can get you through it all! Right? At least that's what Chantal and Charlie are hoping! Once again we have a story filled with real people. Relatable characters with flaws, strengths, widely diverse personalities, and an innate humanity that endears them to the reader.
Carol McClain has a rare gift. She has insight into pure humanity that she is able to translate into stories that resonate as well as entertain.Tilmer
What a privilege it was to spend time immersed in a book that made me laugh out loud and led me to telling my husband stories of my new friends Chantel and Charlie. While writing "Honeymoon's Over", Carol McClain developed a truly funny loving couple whos antics, humor, life complications and love for each other want you to find their home, knock on their door and invite yourself in. Amazon Customer
One of the author’s best. Witty but devastatingly true to and bloggerLinda Rondeau