Malone & Chateaugay: The War of 1812, Part 2
Fort Covington, Franklin County, New York, USA (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Everyone in the Malone and Chateaugay area has used the Old Military Turnpike. Did you know it got its start in the War of 1812 ? After the capture of General Tilden in the French Mills ( Fort Covington area–seen to the left), the next “significant” battle took place in Chateaugay. …[ read more ]
Tyranny of the Quick Fix
Image by jimmywayne via Flickr Malone, NY, I do love thee…but have you learned the tyranny of the quick fix? We look for easy ways out of problems and so we bring in prisons. Oh the economy will revive. Nope. Just brought in prison families and lots of convicts who clog the judicial system. We …[ read more ]