Look at the Interior–Not the Exterior–of a Person
by Carol McClain @carol_mcclain Who judges? Not me! We all exclaim not me, yet… Recently I read an article in The Washington Post. Lizzy Velasquez was a bubbly, happy child until she went to school. She’d been born with a rare metabolic disease that makes her unable to maintain any body fat. She has 0%. If you’re like …[ read more ]
Judge Others? Judge Yourself
by Carol McClain @carol_mcclain “You, therefore, have no excuse, you who pass judgment on someone else, for at whatever point you judge another, you are condemning yourself, because you who pass judgment do the same things” Rom. 2:1. Ever heard the expression, “Don’t point your finger at others. You have one directed at them, and three …[ read more ]
The Confession Conundrum: Step 1–Quit Denying
Step 1. Realize I’m not God. I admit that I am powerless to control my tendency to do the wrong thing and that my life is unmanageable. Step 1, Celebrate Recovery. One of the first principles in Celebrate Recovery , a Bible based version of AA, is to quit denying you have a problem. One way you …[ read more ]
Does Someone Drive You Nuts?
This is what we’d like to do to our Sophias. Have you ever had to deal with a self-righteous, know-it-all, hypochondriac? In short, do people sometimes drive you nuts? Why can’t people be more like us? I know this will come as a shock to those who know me in real time–but sometimes people drive …[ read more ]
Another Side to Disdain
I know this will come as a shock to those who know me in real time–but sometimes people drive me bonkers. Having read Scripture once or twice, I know this isn’t a trait I should brag about on a public blog visible to all the world–but you’ve never met “Sophia.” Sophia quotes Scripture all …[ read more ]