Another Side to Disdain

     I know this will come as a shock to those who know me in real time–but sometimes people drive me bonkers. Having read Scripture once or twice, I know this isn’t a trait I should brag about on a public blog visible to all the world–but you’ve never met “Sophia.”
     Sophia quotes Scripture all the time–you make a statement, she gives a relevant chapter and verse. You do something not up to her standard–along comes chapter and verse. Someone doesn’t see things the way she does–perhaps you like Corvettes when she prefers Mustangs, disdain curdles her voice, it becomes whiny, then supercilious (of course–I, the erstwhile English teacher, would have to define that word for Sophia). No one would dare dispute her assertions because she’d have the chapter and verse to prove how much better Mustangs are–the Bible does talk about horses–never autos.
     How are we to love someone like that?
     This morning I discovered a key. Romans 12:17b says, “Have regard for good things in the sight of all men.” My footnote from the Nelson Study Bible says, “A Christian should not concentrate on the evil in others, but instead should focus on what is good. By doing so, we encourage others around us to aspire to the good” (1903).
     If I applied this to Sophia I would discover a woman who has raised wonderful children whom she loves dearly–her love is evident in her words and her actions and her children’s sweetness. She’s been married only once and still loves and respects her husband. She volunteers in church, is reliable and dedicated to both her job and her ministry. As a faithful, loving woman she demonstrates her Christian character.
     How can I not like her?

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  1. Elaine, no matter how long I live this Christian life, this is the one area I struggle with. Wouldn't it be wonderful if everyone was like us?

  2. Elaine Stock says:

    Carol, thank you for an excellent reminder. It comes at a time when I'm having trouble with a supervisor at work who seems to find fault at every thing I do. Your post will help me to remember to focus on what is good, not what is evil and upsetting. Wow. It always humbles me to see how God uses people (in this circumstance–you!!) to show me the way . . .His way.

    Thanks again.


  3. And it's so much easier if we look at what is good in their lives rather than what is super annoying.

  4. Linda S. says:

    great point. We all have a sophia in our lives and we need to love them. Not always easy but is what we are required to do. Thanks for the reminder.

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