It’s Time to be Intolerant
I will climb out on the proverbial limb and utter an obscene word: intolerance. I’ll make the word worse. Sometimes it’s good. Take for example smoking. When I first began teaching, smoke swirled around my classroom. I asked for an air purifier and got this teeny little machine that had minimal effect on my air …[ read more ]
Gossip: How To Believe a Lie
The “Confederate Flag”, a rectangular variant of the Battle Flag. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Remember back during the Charleston tragedy, the Confederate flag was taken down from the court house. In a knee-jerk reaction, Walmart and Amazon decided to no longer offer it for sale. My nephew, a man I trust, a man I know to have integrity, …[ read more ]
Good Grief: The Benefits
Grief (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) It is better to go to the house of mourning, than to go to the house of feasting: for that is the end of all men; and the living will lay it to his heart. 3 Sorrow is better than laughter: for by the sadness of the countenance the heart is …[ read more ]
God’s GPS–Not Society’s
Garmin GPS riderview (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) After a fabulous sister-date where we brought my niece to see Santa in July, Janine and I headed back to Malone from the North Pole in Wilmington. Unfortunately, the road home was closed, so we had to rely on my Garmin. It got me lost. My sister took out …[ read more ]
No Rewards in Heaven? I’m Bankrupt.
This could’ve been mine! My case is hopeless. I have no reward awaiting me in paradise. None. I’ve spent it all here on earth, but to be honest, I’ve tried to add jewels to my heavenly crown. I’ve worked to make my life the purest gold (or at least silver). And it’s all God’s fault. …[ read more ]