How To Find God With Gratitude
@carol_mcclain So you’ve heard this before: You can find God through gratitude journaling. What? It didn’t work? I fully understand. I tried gratitude journals so many times and ended up repeating myself over and over and getting the same results. Quitting. This time though? At the end of this post, I’ll give you my formula. I …[ read more ]
How to Renew Your Life
@carol_mcclain You can renew your life: leave the mistakes behind and live in joy. I have a friend who is a genuinely good person. Unfortunately, long ago, she gave up on God. She’s now an atheist. Why? When she was younger, a minister hammered into her, non-stop, that she was a sinner. We know plenty of …[ read more ]
How to be Good Enough for God
@carol_mcclain The short answer. You can never be good enough for God. I just finished reading Deuteronomy and Leviticus, and all you need to do to be righteous before God. Even though I spent a month in the tome, I can’t recall half of what is required to be ethical. Make that an eighth or sixteenth. …[ read more ]
One Reason God Refuses Our Prayer
Carol McClain We pray. Maybe fast. We ask according to God’s will, and God refuses our request. Why? We know the pat answers. God always answers: Yes. No. Not Now. Those pat answers don’t always salve our aching heart or our need. An illustration of God’s wisdom in denying our request. Pastor B officiated at my mother’s …[ read more ]
How I Conquered Fear
@carol_mcclain I conquered fear. Well–one fear–but the technique works. Tale of Two (four?) Dogs I jogged along our road. About a half mile from our home, a doodle with his companion pit bull darted into the road, barking, snarling and leaping up on me. Ironically, the pit bull stayed back, but the doodle wanted to take …[ read more ]