How Running Like a Chicken Is Like Running From God
by @carol_mcclain I got chicken(s). Finally, they grew enough to join my larger hens in the big coup. Except– Lulu, one of the chicks, didn’t like being cooped up. Not having grown large, Lulu found a space under the door where she could slip out. How do you catch a chicken? I was about to find out–and …[ read more ]
Acceptance: Fifth Step in Conquering Grief
Carol McClain Ps. 34:18 “The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.” Recently a terrible accident happened at a Volkswagon plant in Chattanooga. A car somehow ran out of control and ploughed down three people. One died. Two are critical. One of the two critically injured people is …[ read more ]
Four Ways to Conquer Depression:The Fourth Step In Conquering Grief
@carol_mcclain I haven’t been online in a while. Why? I’m so enmeshed in the fourth stage of grief. Depression. This should pretty much be all five steps of grief, but when reality sinks in, when all the times you want to contact your loved one, when regret, pain, embarrassment (If not dealing with death) sink …[ read more ]
Bargaining: The Third Stage of Grief
@carol_mcclain As stated in last week’s blog dealing with anger (click here to read) , grieving can be for any traumatic issue like sexual abuse, domestic turmoil, divorce, or racial injustice–well, look at the news headlines–you can plummet into mourning. What bears repeating is: 1. Grief does not follow a timeline. You may be struggling for a year. You may …[ read more ]
Anger: Second Stage of Grief
@carol_mcclain As stated in last week’s blog dealing with denial (click here to read) , grieving can be for any traumatic issue. In my life, I’m processing grief over multiple losses and problems. However, if you have experienced sexual abuse, domestic turmoil, divorce, racial injustice–well, look at the news headlines–you can plummet into mourning. What bears repeating is: 1. Grief …[ read more ]