• Time and Hour?

    Image by scubadive67 via Flickr    Tuesday night NBC told a human interest story about a police officer Jeremy Henwood who was shot while sitting in his patrol car outside a McDonald’s in San Diego. Henwood survived tours in Iraq and Afghanistan, and no one expected him to die while eating lunch. Minutes before he died, a …[ read more ]

  • Wacked-Out Words

    Where’d we get these words? Image via Wikipedia pulchritude–means great beauty. Sounds like me after food poisoning. flummoxed–confused? Again, sounds like the after effects of food poisoning. bung hole –sounds obscene to me. It’s just a hole drilled into a barrel with a cork in it. concupiscence –sounds like problems with the urinary track–but it means sensual desire, lust …[ read more ]

  • Are You Really a Disciple?

    Image via Wikipedia In our chaotic lives, we delight in church. We sing and Jesus meets us. Suddenly the cares of the world drift away. Then we hear a good message. We cry because it convicts us. We rejoice, because we are justified. Of course, when someone brings in the special homemade treats, we really love …[ read more ]

  • Christian Tossed Salad

    Image by Professor Bop via Flickr  After a late start, my garden’s producing. And what it produces doesn’t totally delight me: radishes, cabbage and yellow squash. But then my husband Neil is stuck with tomatoes, peppers and green beans.   Two of us share this garden, and the two of us have different tastes. Neil loves the …[ read more ]

  • Another Side to Disdain

         I know this will come as a shock to those who know me in real time–but sometimes people drive me bonkers. Having read Scripture once or twice, I know this isn’t a trait I should brag about on a public blog visible to all the world–but you’ve never met “Sophia.”     Sophia quotes Scripture all …[ read more ]