• The Goodness of Imperfect Fathers

    Dad, me, Art, Mom   My father wasn’t perfect—he drank too much and smoked unfiltered cigarettes and died too soon. However, these aren’t the moments I recall. Much of the goodness in me and my family is the direct result of him.   He adored my mother. I remember him coming home from work and …[ read more ]

  • From the Heart: Praying for Forgiveness

    When cut to the quick by those who should have loved us, the pain hurts more than the wounds of a stranger and Jesus certainly understands this more than we. We know the Scriptural admonition to forgive–and this doesn’t mean to condone or accept because wrong is wrong. However, we know we are flawed individuals, …[ read more ]

  • From the Heart: Forgiveness

    Matt 18:35“This is how my heavenly Father will treat each of you unless you forgive your brother from your heart.” From your heart…this is not a superficial forgiveness, but a deep, no loop-hole forgiveness. It sounds good, but the Bible doesn’t give us a twelve step program on how to achieve this. Perhaps because each …[ read more ]

  • How Do You Deal With Pharisees?

    Luke 18:14 I tell you, this man went down to his house justified rather than the other: for every one that exalteth himself shall be abased; and he that humbleth himself shall be exalted.     The above Scripture is the summation of the parable of the Pharisee and the sinner. The Pharisee had been acknowledged as …[ read more ]

  • In Death We Find Life

         After 92 years full of giving and loving and caring, my husband’s Uncle Neil passed away. He was a man who knew his own mind right until the end–sometimes to our own chagrin. For example–he had to be hospitalized in Potsdam–not Massena–he refused to have a will, yet took meticulous care that his funeral …[ read more ]