• El Castillo de los Reyes Christianos

                 The ILT (AKA GPS) got us to Córdoba fine. It’s very good with its gross motor skills. However, once there, it took us down “streets” that made the roadways of Arriate look huge. The tires of our tiny Clio scrubbed the curbs of these two way streets.             We found a parking spot—somehow with …[ read more ]

  • Córdoba—Introducing the Mezquita

                 Leaving the mountains of Andalucía , we found the first “wetlands” of our trip. The land leveled out and the city of Córdoba rose before us. Here we visited two magnificent buildings: the Mezquita and Le Castillo des Reyos Cristianos (The Castle of Christian Kings).             The Mezquita—no picture we have can do this justice. It …[ read more ]

  • Ronda-

                Set in the heart of Andalucía , in the beautiful Serranía de Ronda mountains. Its gorge—El Tajo—is a 360 foot drop of breathtaking beauty. The New Bridge (Puento Nuevo) was built in 1751 and still supports cars and tourists and still displays the glory of this countryside. View from Puento Nuevo             After walking over the bridge, I …[ read more ]

  • LOST (Part 2)

                …So we unloaded the few little things we had in our Hobbit room (except it was up and not down). It had to be no more that 15’x15’ with a king sized bed. I felt like Alice when she grew too big. We then began our search for our car.             Neil swore he’d …[ read more ]

  • LOST (Madrid Style)

                It was an omen. After four hours trying to get a Blackberry set up for our overseas adventure, as I sat in the airport in NYC, I couldn’t make a phone call. As I waited for my plane, I decided to call my mother and tell her how easy it would be for her …[ read more ]