Thankfulness in Times of Trials
By Carol McClain @carol_mcclain You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You have anointed my head with oil; My cup overflows. Ps. 23:5 We live our lives denying the fact they will end. Or else, we expect, as Christians, that our lives will be pain-free if we have the right combination …[ read more ]
Adam And Eve: Epitome of Ungratefuness
By Carol McClain @carol_mcclain In Everything give thanks, for this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus. 1 Thes. 5:18 Prior to Thanksgiving, our pastor preached about Adam and Eve. He posited that ingratitude caused their downfall. This slant on the well-worn episode made me think. God gave this duo everything but… They …[ read more ]
How To Give Thanks
By Carol McClain @carol_mcclain In Everything give thanks, for this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus. 1 Thes. 5:18 I know. Thanksgiving passed. Now the final, crazy, stressful days leading to Christmas arrived. Who has room for thankfulness when the seasonal insanity is full throttle? For that matter, those of us who …[ read more ]
American Gratitude: Don’t Let It Go Extinct
By: Carol McClain carol_mcclain My friend bought a vacation home on a beautiful lake. For years she’d marvel about her good fortune. Then time passed. It became a small, unremarkable house on a cul-de-sac of million dollar homes. She lost the wonder. This year, though, she sat on her dock. Fireworks exploded down the cove. The …[ read more ]
Lessons in Gratitude from Cleaning Out the Fridge
By Carol McClain: @ carol _mcclain We were going to eat healthy so I bought fresh spinach for smoothies, cooked Brussels sprouts for our veggies, and one night I baked a veggie frittata. Not wanting to waste leftovers, and being environmentally conscious, I placed leftovers in reusable containers and returned them to the fridge. This …[ read more ]