You Are Who You Need To Be:Comparisons Always Fail You
@carol_mcclai n Over the past few months, we’ve looked at four mighty women in Jesus’s genealogy. All lived sinful or abused or despised lives. Despite their reputations and upbringing, each woman defied society’s definition of her life and left a legacy for Christ. Who are you? Tamar–Jacob believed she killed his sons. He deceived Tamar when …[ read more ]
You Can Overcome Suffering: Bathsheba
@carol_mcclain Little is known for certain about Bathsheba (the fourth woman mentioned in Jesus’s genealogy)and her relationship with King David. I highly recommend reading the Jewish Women’s Archive for a Jewish perspective on this complicated woman. For certain, we know: She was beautiful (1 Sam. 11:2) Her father and husband were elite members of David’s vanguard. (2 …[ read more ]
Do-Overs: It’s never too late to start over (unless you die)
@carol_mcclain I was training for my first marathon. I’d left my running partner and headed for my cool-down when suddenly a HUGE boulder (aka: a pebble) lept out of the ground and tripped me up. I tumbled. I felt like I rolled head over keister. Worse than the mild concussion and bruised muscles and scraped skin, …[ read more ]