Health: Lessons from Alone
@carol_mcclain We take our health for granted. We smoke or drink (or in my case, overdose on chocolate). Maybe we abhor exercise or refuse to get a vaccine because–hey–that’s for old people and scaredy-cats. (And I have a right to chose what to do with my body–that’s another blog). Two weeks ago, my husband and …[ read more ]
Gratitude for what we have: Lessons from Alone
@carol_mcclain My grandkids drive me crazy. For the youngest, my Bird, ketchup is the major food group. My middle one–my favorite grandson (yes, only grandson)–only chicken fingers will do. The eldest has a broader palate, thankfully. When they come to visit, and I set something that is not ketchup or chicken fingers before them, they aren’t …[ read more ]
What’s the most important thing in life? Lessons from Alone
@carol_mcclain Would you like a half a million dollars? I would. Fixated on Discovery’s Alone, I root for my favorite contestants. In one season, a man who had little to do with his family, who ignored his mother’s funeral for the adventure, who thought he needed no one, discovered otherwise. To a finalist–the main motivation in …[ read more ]
Lessons from Alone: Are You Hungry?
@carol_mcclain Alone teaches us what being hungry really means. SPOILER ALERT: it’s not what Americans think. So much is said about the “food desert” here in the United States. I’m not so sure one exists. Maybe we have a chronic spelling problem and we’re really suffering from a “food dessert”? I’ve seen people go to food banks …[ read more ]
What Really Matters in Life: Lessons from Alone: Benefits of Adversity
@carol_mcclain “Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. For he who sows to the flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life.“ Galatians 6:7-8 . Adversity Creates Determination I don’t need to tell you, we, …[ read more ]