Ten Ways to be Filled with the Holy Spirit



“Don’t be drunk with wine, be filled with the Spirit!” 1 Cor.5:18

According to John Piper, how do we get drunk with wine?

We drink it. Lots of it.

So how do we get drunk with the Holy Spirit?

Immerse yourself in God. Drink in lots of Him.

  1. Read your Scriptures.
  2. Pray.
  3. Sing Psalms and hymns and contemporary Christian music.
  4. Listen to edifying Christian stations.
  5. Avoid our entertainment that celebrates sinful behavior–alcohol, sex, foul language.
  6. Hang out with practicing, like-minded Christians.
  7. Go to church.
  8. Take notes on the sermon.
  9. Look around this world and see the glory God created. None of it is accidental evolution, but divine genius.
  10. Read books by godly authors like C.S. Lewis or Annie Downs

My books–on par with CS Lewis?

I’d be a liar to say so. However, my books are entertaining. Check out the list on my book page.

My latest-Honeymoon’s Over–will have you laughing out loud.

Chantel and Charlie come home from their honeymoon, ready for happily-ever-after.

They forgot about the grown kids waiting to pounce.

Laugh until you cry.


  1. Peggy Ellis says:

    You’ve given us the ten commandments of living a spiritual life. Thanks!

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