How Get Joy Out of Sorrow
By: Carol McClain @carol_mcclain JOY COMES IN THE MORNING BUT UNTIL IT DOES …? Sin’s not all it’s cracked up to be—but after sorrow, comes joy. Numbers 14:18 and similar scriptures always caused me to stumble. “The Lord is longsuffering, and of great mercy, forgiving iniquity and transgression, and by no means clearing the guilty, visiting …[ read more ]
We’re Just Like Michelangelo
Before the victory We should be like David You are like Michelangelo. And my husband has the traits of Michelangelo’s famous sculpture, David. We had finally made it to Florence, and Neil had orders. We would not leave Italy until we’d seen Michelangelo’s David. I’d seen the Pieta , and thought seeing it again, although desired, would …[ read more ]