The Fenian Uprising in Malone: Part 1
The Fenians . Just who were they? And why were they here in Malone, NY? Glad you asked. The Fenians lived in Ireland and their movement existed primarily in England and The United States. Simply put, they wanted Ireland completely independent from England. They believed the Great Famine that hit Ireland and the poor aid from England was …[ read more ]
Malone: The Civil War
civil_war_cannon_smoke (Photo credit: Tom Gill. ) Little changed in Malone until the Civil War . At this time, the people became a little less puritanical and a little less amenable to censor from the clergy. Yet their amusements were puritanical by today’s standards: debating societies, bell ringers, concerts, bowling, dances, circuses and minstrel shows. Once the war arrived, changes …[ read more ]