Life Is Fragile: Learn to See
by: Carol McClain @CAROL_MCCLAIN Friends and I hike the Smokies looking for Jack-in-the-Pulpits. Little Annie Margaret is the master. Me? Not so much. Finding them is a matter of seeing. Obvious? Not really. You have to look. You have to be present and be willing to see. Are you near a stream–not on it or adjacent …[ read more ]
Find Beauty. It Hides in Plain Sight
by: Carol McClain @CAROL_MCCLAIN Let’s face it. With Covid-19, our world has grown small. We’re tempted to despair as family members fall prey to the virus, and friends need to be socially distant. Our lives are, according to Annie Dillard (and I have many a student who will groan as they hear me return to my …[ read more ]
What Makes You Happy
by: Carol McClain @CAROL_MCCLAIN What makes you happy? Lately, people have been socially isolating. In doing so, I think we are discovering the things we value most. Historically, we’ve been a blessed generation. Good finances. Nice homes. Equality. Freedom. Good medical. Freedom to worship… It’s not always been so, and we definitely haven’t arrived at nirvana. …[ read more ]
Benefits from Suffering: Truth of God’s Love For You
By Carol McClain “What causes quarrels and what causes fights among you? Is it not this, that your passions are at war within you? You desire and do not have, so you murder. You covet and cannot obtain, so you fight and quarrel. You do not have, because you do not ask” James 4: 1-2. …[ read more ]
What Is Sin?
By Carol McClain @carol_mcclain Sin. Oh, our God is a big meany, you think. “Don’t do this. Don’t do that.” We can never do anything that’s fun. Sin proves God doesn’t love us. But what exactly is sin? Is it a list of do nots given willy-nilly by a capricious diety? No. When you consider sin, …[ read more ]