You Can Make Mistakes
You Can Make Mistakes And Still Be Right With God |
My family celebrated my eighth birthday party in my backyard. Indulging in cake and ice cream, I didn’t notice my father had disappeared until he suddenly came riding a two wheeler into our midst. Decked with a bow and ribbons, this was MINE.
And once everyone had left, he took me to the road, held the back of my seat and ran me down the street.
It was love at first ride.
For my father, not so much. I couldn’t convince him to help me after that first time. So I faced a decision. Sit around and admire my two-wheeler, or learn to ride. I chose the latter (and have the scars to prove it).
Sidling the bike to the curb, I aligned the peddles climbed on and went a few feet. I repeated the process and made it a couple of yards. Eventually, I rode to my neighbors.
Through the process, I learned what didn’t help my balance and what did, how to best mount the bike and how to fly faster than I could have imagined.
I learned because I refused to fear making a mistake and failing.
Sadly, too many people worry too much about erring. They fear looking foolish. Believing God will not overlook a misstep, people refuse to take the first step.
Mistakes are not sin.
- Are done in innocence
- Lead to growth
- We do it deliberately, even though we know better
- Comes from rebellion
- Lead to decay
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