What Is Perfection? I’ll Show you: Photo Expose

Consider how the wild flowers grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you, not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. Luke 12:27

By: Carol McClain @carol_mcclain

One of my favorite spots in the Montreal Botanical Gardens. If you ever want to see perfection, go there–especially from now until early summer.

On an ordinary day, this piece of paradise will awe you. In 2013 they offered a Mosaicculture. The work could stun an archangel.


Who, in her own ability could match the above floral arrangements?

And far better photographs than mine can be found at: http://www.amusingplanet.com/2013/07/mosaiculture-exhibition-2013-at.html

Galax–hand-polished by the Creator

Friends and I love to hike the Smoky Mountains. Unlike the stupendous Adirondacks, they don’t offer a non-stop sweeping vista. As we walk, we hardly ever look up. But down? A world, insane to see is there for our viewing.

Pat, Marcia and Annie Margaret taught me to look closely and discover a beauty that rivals the grandeur of botanical gardens. Crawling under leaves to get a shot, I discovered Dutchman’s Pipe.

Tucked along the path are the inspiration for Georgia O’Keefe’s Jack-in-the-Pulpits.

In the Galax, God, Himself, bowed down and polished each leaf to a high gloss.

And Cinderella’s glass slipped never rivaled the Lady Slippers we discovered.

So, too, in our lives, we don’t have to be mosaicultures. As wild flowers, we offer the world the perfection of God.

Unexpected, we discovered
over 20 pink Ladies’ Slippers


the Dutchman’s Pipe, found by looking under the leaves
Cinderella in all her glory was not arrayed like this

More beautiful than a Georgia O’Keefe

Quick Tweets

Even Solomon couldn’t rival these. Click to tweet.
Don’t strive. You are perfect in Christ. Click to tweet.

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