Life Lessons from the National Parks
by Carol McClain
Life Lessons from the National Parks
Author: Penny Musco
Genre: Nonfiction – Christian devotionals
“Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in where nature may heal and cheer and give strength to the body and soul alike.”—John Muir, The Yosemite, 1912
Whether you’re a hiker, a history buff, or a reader who travels vicariously, Life Lessons from the National Parks takes you on a four-season tour through over forty of America’s most glorious places in the National Park Service reflecting God, who superintends each one.
The book chronicles remarkable lands, events, and people, which Penny Musco brings to life with first-hand experiences, inspirational anecdotes, and Scripture, as well as providing tips for your own visits.
Life Lessons from the National Parks is endorsed by Michael J. Oard, co-author of the True North National Park series, and by Cecil Murphey, author or co-author of more than 130 books, including Gifted Hands: The Ben Carson Story and 90 Minutes in Heaven with Don Piper.
Ready to buy your own copy? Click here.
My Review
Life Lessons from the National Park by Peggy Musco is a delightful book. She not only explores well-known parks such as Yellowstone, Glacier, or the Grand Canyon, but she introduces us to little-known spots such as Nebraska’s Homestead National Historical Park or Dry Tortugas–to name two.
Each chapter describes a park she’d visited, and she names the major point of interest. And interesting they are indeed.
What makes this book stand out from other guidebooks is the Christian perspective. She parallels lessons from Scripture with each point of interest so we have not a simple guidebook, but a devotional that reminds us of the Creator of these majestic areas.
This book is an enjoyable read alone as well as a guide to our National Parks.
(My star ratings: 5-Fantastic book; 4-I really enjoyed it; 3-I finished it but wouldn’t read again; 2-I didn’t like it or I didn’t finish; 1-I hate it.)
I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publishers. My comments are an independent and honest review.
Get to know the author: Penny Musco
Penny Musco is a freelance writer with clips in both the Christian and secular markets, and author of the award-winning Life Lessons from the National Parks: Meeting God in America’s Most Glorious Places.
In 2009, she was an Artist-in-Residence for the National Park Service, and presented programs about the parks in libraries and senior communities.
I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publishers. My comments are an independent and honest review.
Sounds like a great book for off-the-beaten-track travelers. Jim and I traveled the U.S. by car, off the major highways as much as possible, and found so many places not mentioned in any of our travel books. Thanks for this review.