How to Pray the Perfect Prayer
Carol McClain @carol_mcclain
With childlike faith, I decided I would write a novel. Happily, I told the tale of Cheryl Chandler whose husband left her. To find happiness, she knew only a man could save her–any man, so long as he was hot.
The words flowed onto the page, but I wasn’t so naive as to think it was perfect. Via ACFW, I joined a critique group. One of my best crit partners happened to be a member of that group.
Jackie McGuyer lovingly took my words and showed me how to make them shine. She didn’t look solely for the misspelled words or misplaced commas, she reached into the heart of my writing, saw what I wanted to say and enabled me to say it with verve.
That book became my first and best-selling novel, DWF: Divorced White Female.
So what does this have to do with perfect prayer?
How many times have you been in church or Sunday school or at dinner and someone asked for a volunteer to pray? How many of you jumped up and said, “Me. I LOVE to pray out loud”? I’d hazard no one.
Why is that?
We know our prayers are imperfect. Our words stumble. Our thoughts jumble. Our pride crumbles.
We need not fear.
God will pray for us.
Like Jackie proofing my work, seeing what I wished to say and making me create it. God, “… Himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words … ” Rom. 8:26.
God knows our heart, our needs. He prays for us.
Knowing that, every prayer asked in the perfect will of the Father is prayed perfectly because he ever intercedes with us.
Trust God.
It does. And it’s a relief for us perfectionists, we don’t have to be perfect in our prayers. Just bold. Specific helps, too.
Excellent. His Love makes us Bold !