God Loves the Outcast: Ruth


Recently I moved from northern New York, from a rural community closer to Montreal than any US city. Tennessee offered a vastly different world, and more than the differences I found here, I was a newcomer. Friend groups had been established, and being an introvert, working my way into them proved difficult. I was a Yankee (almost Canadian) in a new world.

Throughout the news, we hear of refugees. Afghanis need to flee their oppression. Syrians are destroyed by their president, and the ones most affecting us, are Mexicans fleeing poverty, crimes, and drugs.

Coming to a new land is hard. Opportunities elude us because we don’t have connections, customs, or the language to navigate our new world. We feel lost.

Then think of Ruth, a Moabitess. Born into a pagan nation, she doesn’t have the upbringing or birthright of the Israelites.

The Problem With Ruth

  1. She was the same as our undocumented immigrants.
  2. She was a religious outsider.
  3. She was the descendent of Lot’s incestuous relationship with his eldest daughter.
  4. She was a woman without a husband or son.

She was the embodiment of the outsider–“not one of us”/”come here legally”/”leave your customs at home” set. (read Five Things About Ruth Nobody Talks About for a more in-depth analysis).

One thing Ruth had was character.

  1. She proved her love to Naomi.
  2. She embraced a true faith.
  3. She worked hard to survive.
  4. She earned the love of Boaz.

We all know her as the ancestor of David. However, we miss the point according to jewsforjesus.org (see above link). The state, rightly:

“As mothers in King David’s line, Ruth and Naomi shaped and influenced the character of the man who would rule the nation, thus leaving a lasting legacy on their people’s history. Can we not see a reflection of Ruth’s character in King David’s courage, daring spirit, and commitment to God?”

How about you?
  1. Are you an outsider–as an immigrant, emigrant or rejected individual?
  2. Do you not fit in?
  3. Has life dealt you unmanageable heartache?

Keep your character intact. Don’t lose hope. God loves the outsider as much as the ruler of the nations. Study the trials of Ruth. You’ll see where you fit in.


Prodigal Lives

Pearl finds herself an outsider when her grandfather takes her away from all she’s familiar with.
She doesn’t have Ruth’s character, and must fight to find her way back home.

As one reviewer said: “McClain has done it again! Another compelling story that causes the reader to consider the reality of choices and their results.”


  1. Carol, your analogy of Ruth with the illegal immigrants of today is interesting, one I had not previously considered. Yes, I can see Ruth’s determination in King David–hers for betterment, his sometimes not, but the commitment to God is the same. I like the way you tie in Pearl with Ruth, something else I had not considered, yet I “know” both of them well.

  2. Your post, Carol, are pithy and practical. Thank you for giving us valuable insights about life.

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