Bellyaching Gives you a Bellyache

     Sulks come and sulks go–people will always annoy me in some fashion. Yesterday I thought I’d air my pet peeves on a daily basis–but one problem: I can’t get specific enough without hurting someone. Hurting others is the last thing I want to do because it’s only through family and friends and the God who made them that I can overcome.
      And how am I blessed? Let me count the ways:

    Golden OreoImage by Timothy Valentine via Flickr

  •  I NEED Oreos. It’s cold and late, and my husband leaves the warmth of our torn apart house and dashes to Price Chopper returning with Golden Oreos and milk. Can life get better?
  • I sulk on Facebook–and the outpouring from friends makes me cry–my pastor reminds me of all who love me–including the Great Lover of us all. Another friend emails me. My sister calls. How can I grieve?
  • My blonde soul mate encourages my writing–we both suffer the pangs of rejection and although I’m not demonstrative, she always lifts me up. How can I fail?

In one day, three things remind me I am not alone. Our Father God cannot allow me to forget love patterned on His so I can see it.

And so I ask–how have others encouraged you?

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  1. Tina, that song is beautiful!

    Linda, thank you for showing me how I bless you.

  2. Linda S. says:

    We all feel that way at one time or another. This is a gentle reminder of how blessed we are. We have a loving Father, family and friends. God always uses the talents of someone who writes to bless and lift others. Thank you for blessing my life.

  3. I was having a simalar struggle and as I was telling God all about it,someone knocked on my rv door and said take a look outside.As I stepped out side a plane was sky writing…Trust in Jesus! A few days later I heard this song for the 1st time in service…You light up the Sky by the "Afters" !!

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