Laugh a Little: Heal A Lot

By: Carol McClain @carol_mcclain

I know. It’s been a while since I’ve been on my blog. You know. Life’s so busy–so many social engagements, fairs, family gatherings …

So many lies.

I’ve more than likely not taken my own medicine. The prescription can be found in Proverbs 17:22:

A merry heart doeth good like a medicine:”

The last chapter of 2020 closed a few weeks ago, but not without promising us more heartache in 2021. Our pandemic hasn’t finished with us, and we will find more grief and hardship for many more months.

Now, aren’t you glad you decided to read this blog piece?

But my prognostication comes with hope.

Find the humor.

The very act of smiling—even a fake smile—can change your mood. Go on and give it a try. We’re all in quarantine, so no one can see you grinning when you don’t want to (unless you have your Zoom video running. PLEASE, always remember, if your camera is on, colleagues can see what you’re wearing or not wearing).

For me, humor has been my mechanism for coping. A big zit on my nose? I don’t hide it with a burqa. I tell myself, “Own it, Carol. Make it work for you.” Or I ask for Ms. Pimple for rent. I recently read a cartoon that made me laugh. It is hilarious for this ex-pat New Yorker and the jab at the mighty Empire State’s governor.












We can find laughter from the pandemic. And laughter is a good medicine. Not only did God tell us this. The Mayo Clinic confirmed it.

According to the Mayo Clinic, laughter has the following benefits: 

  1. Cachinnation stimulates many organs.
  2. Chuckling activates and relieves your stress response.
  3. Mirth releases tension.
  4. Hilarity improves your immune system (Take that, COVID-19!).
  5. Got pain? Get snickering. Pain will flee (or escape my escapades in the thesaurus, or my poet’s penchant for alliteration).
  6. Glee increases personal satisfaction.
  7. And proving my initial point, guffawing improves your mood.

Don’t take my word for it. Check out the article.

If you don’t trust the Mayo Clinic, do a concordance check on your favorite version of Scripture.

So, here’s my shameless self-promotion. Skip this portion if you have no interest in considering my book (or you don’t mind breaking my heart). All my writing, even when dealing with intense subjects such as child slavery, drug addiction, or loss, is always dosed with humor. People return to me time and again and speak about how my book made them laugh (even after they cried).

I’ve re-released an old book now called The Perils of Cheryl. It’s a LOL novel about divorce, dating, and the divine. One reader said her husband repeatedly asked her what was so funny as she snorted and chortled in bed reading the novel.

Once more: Don’t take my word for it. Check out The Perils of Cheryl

Also, don’t take my word about humor being biblical. Here’s another reference from Proverbs.

“She is clothed with strength and dignity;  she can laugh at the days to come” (Pr. 31:25).

To find out more about me–why not sign up for my newsletter? It’s easy–and I NEVER spam you.

Happier still is the purchase of The Perils of Cheryl.

You can connect with me on Facebook at:

On Twitter and Instagram: @carol_mcclain



  1. Donald Wright says:

    Hi Carol! This is Donald Wright. My wife Donna and I are friends with Dave and Cindy McCracken and we had a short visit with you and your husband a few years back. I bought one of his cigar box guitars. Anyway, I just purchased the book for Donna off Amazon. She likes to laugh haha. Have a nice day! When you see Dave and Cindy tell them we said HI !

  2. Tina says:

    So so True…it has been a full time job staying positive and seeing through God’s eyes by faith, and not what is necessarily in front of us. Thanks for being you! And bringing joy and laughter through all of life’s adventures.

    • Carol McClain says:

      Tina, We need a healthy dose of laughter. I need Barry and Laura. If anyone knows how to be joyful, it’s them.

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